Congratulations, you've made it to Hamish Willee @ Community, my website and blog.

I'm an experienced developer community manager and technical writer, with a passion for enabling great community authored content. The blog will share my thoughts about API documentation, tools, community, and more. Commenting is enabled, and I welcome your advice and feedback.

You can find out more about me in the about page, or get in contact to discuss community or writing opportunities.

Latest from the blog

Using Jekyll _includes as custom liquid functions

This post shows how you can use files in the Jekyll _includes directory to implement function-like behaviour.

Jekyll bootstrap documentation theme with multiple TOCs

This post introduces a Jekyll theme (prototype) that is suitable for building sites with multiple TOCs defined in the site YAML source.

Trello project management tools and burndown charts

This post summarises my superficial recent exploration of tools that can make Trello more useful for project management. A more accurate title might be “Why Plus for Trello is awesome by design” :-)

Public draft posts in a Github-Jekyll blog

This post shows how to build draft posts into the published version of a Jekyll site, but hide them from casual observation.

Tags in Jekyll without using plugins

This post shows how to support tags in jekyll without using plugins. This means you can have tags in blog sites that are built automatically using Github’s inbuilt Jekyll.