# 起飞模式


Note * This mode requires GPS. * The vehicle must be armed before this mode can be engaged. * This mode is automatic - no user intervention is required to control the vehicle. * RC control switches can be used to change flight modes on any vehicle. The effect of RC stick movement depends on the vehicle type. * The Failure Detector will automatically stop the engines if there is a problem on takeoff.


# 多旋翼(MC)


RC stick movement will by default change the vehicle to Position mode unless handling a critical battery failsafe.

Takeoff is affected by the following parameters:

参数 描述
MIS_TAKEOFF_ALT 起飞期间的目标高度 (默认值: 2.5 米)
MPC_TKO_SPEED 上升速度 (默认值: 1.5 m/s)
COM_RC_OVERRIDE If enabled stick movement gives control back to the pilot in Position mode (except when vehicle is handling a critical battery failsafe). Enabled by default.

# 固定翼(FW) {#fixed_wing}

The aircraft takes off in the current direction using either catapult/hand-launch mode or runway takeoff mode. The mode defaults to catapult/hand launch, but can be set to runway takeoff using RWTO_TKOFF. RC stick movement is ignored in both cases.

# Catapult/Hand Launch {#hand_launch}

In catapult/hand launch mode the vehicle waits to detect launch (based on acceleration trigger). On launch it ramps up to full throttle (RWTO_MAX_THR) in about 2 seconds and then performs a full throttle climbout, with minimum 10 degree takeoff pitch. Once it reaches FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF it will transition to Hold mode and loiter.

除了上面讨论的行为之外,还有一个启动检测器可以阻止启动程序开始直到满足某些条件。 对于弹射器发射,这是一些加速度阈值。

# Runway Takeoff {#runway_launch}

The runway takeoff mode has the following phases:

  1. Throttle ramp: Clamped to the runway (pitch fixed, no roll, and heading hold) until reach the minimum airspeed for takeoff (FW_AIRSPD_MIN x RWTO_AIRSPD_SCL).
  2. 起飞:增加俯仰直到飞机高度>导航高度( RWTO_NAV_ALT )。
  3. ** 爬出**:爬升至地面以上的高度> FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF 。 在此阶段中, 将移除滚转和航向限制。

# Fixed Wing Takeoff Parameters

Takeoff is affected by the following parameters:高于地平面(AGL)的高度,留有足够的离地间隙以允许一些滚转。 在达到RWTO_NAV_ALT之前,飞机保持水平,并且仅使用方向舵来保持航向(参见 </ 1> RWTO_HDG )。 如果 FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF > 0,则应低于 FW_CLMBOUT_DIFF

在起飞期间飞机总是遵守标准的固定翼最大/最小油门设置( FW_THR_MIN FW_THR_MAX )。


VTOLs default to MC mode on boot, and it is generally expected that they will take off in multicopter mode (and also safer).

That said, if transitioned to Fixed wing before takeoff, they will takeoff in Fixed Wing mode.