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PX4 Bootloader Flashing onto Betaflight Systems

This page documents how to flash the PX4 bootloader onto boards that are already flashed with Betaflight (e.g. OmnibusF4 SD or Kakute F7).

There are three tools that can be used to flash the PX4 bootloader: Betaflight Configurator, dfu-util command line tool, or the graphical dfuse (Windows only).

:::note The Betaflight Configurator is easiest, but newer versions may not support non-betaflight bootloader update. You might try it first, but use the other methods if firmware update does not work. :::

Betaflight Configurator Bootloader Update

:::note Betaflight Configurator may not support PX4 Bootloader update, as of May 2023. Older versions should work, though the precise versions are not known. :::

To install the PX4 bootloader using the Betaflight Configurator:

  1. Download or build bootloader firmware for the board you want to flash.
  2. 운영체제에 맞게 Betaflight Configurator를 다운로드 합니다.


If using the Chrome web browser, a simple cross-platform alternative is to install the configurator as an extension from here.

  1. PC에 보드를 연결하고 Configurator를 실행합니다.
  2. Load Firmware [Local] 버튼을 누릅니다. Betaflight Configurator - Local Firmware
  3. 파일시스템으로부터 부트로더 바이너리를 선택하고 보드에 설치(flash)합니다.

다음 명령어로 Bootloader를 다운로드하고 빌드하십시오:

DFU Bootloader Update

This section explains how to flash the PX4 bootloader using the dfu-util or the graphical dfuse tool (Windows only).

You will first need to download or build bootloader firmware for the board you want to flash (below, this is referred to as <target.bin>).

:::note All of the methods below are safe as the STM32 MCU cannot be bricked! DFU는 플래싱으로 덮어쓸 수 없으며 플래싱이 실패하더라도, 항상 새 펌웨어를 설치할 수 있습니다. :::

DFU mode

Both tools require the board to be in DFU mode. DFU 모드로 들어가려면 USB 케이블을 컴퓨터에 연결하는 동안 부팅 버튼을 누르고 있습니다. The button can be released after the board has powered up.


:::note The Holybro Kakute H7 v2 and mini flight controllers may require that you first run an additional command to erase flash parameters (in order to fix problems with parameter saving):

dfu-util -a 0 --dfuse-address 0x08000000:force:mass-erase:leave -D build/<target>/<target>.bin

The command may generate an error which can be ignored. Once completed, enter DFU mode again to complete the regular flashing. :::

To flash the bootloader onto the flight controller:

dfu-util -a 0 --dfuse-address 0x08000000 -D  build/<target>/<target>.bin

비행 컨트롤러를 재부팅하면 부팅 버튼을 누르지 않고 부팅됩니다.


The dfuse manual can be found here:

Use the tool to flash the <target>.bin file.

Bootloader Firmware

The tools above flash pre-built bootloader firmware. Bootloader firmware can be built for most targets using the normal PX4 source code, while other targets can only be build using source in the bootloader repository.

Flight controllers that have bootloader PX4-Autopilot make targets, can build the bootloader from the PX4-Autopilot source. The list of controllers for which this applies can be obtained by running the following make command, and noting the make targets that end in _bootloader

$make list_config_targets


To build for these flight controllers, download and build the PX4-Autopilot source, and then make the target using the following commands:

git clone --recursive
cd PX4-Autopilot
make <target> # For example: holybro_kakuteh7mini_bootloader

For other flight controllers download the PX4/Bootloader repository and build the source code using the appropriate targets:

git clone --recursive
cd Bootloader
make <target> # For example: omnibusf4sd_bl or kakutef7_bl

Betaflight 재설치

In order to switch back to Betaflight:

  1. Backup the PX4 parameters. You can do this by exporting them to an SD card.
  2. bootloader 버튼을 누른 채 USB 케이블을 연결합니다.
  3. Flash Betaflight as usual with the Betaflight-configurator