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Sensor Hardware & Setup

This section describes the mandatory and optional sensors and their setup/configuration.


PX4-based systems use sensors to determine vehicle state (needed for stabilization and to enable autonomous control). The vehicle states include: position/altitude, heading, speed, airspeed, orientation (attitude), rates of rotation in different directions, battery level, and so on.

PX4 minimally requires a gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer (compass), and barometer. Fixed-wing and VTOL-vehicles should also include an airspeed sensor. A GPS or other positioning system is needed to enable all automatic modes, and some manual/assisted modes.

Pixhawk Series flight controllers already have the minimum set of sensors (other controller platforms often do too). Additional/external sensors can be attached to the controller — an external GPS and compass are recommended, along with an airspeed sensor for VTOL and Fixed wing vehicles.

Sensor Topics

Mandatory (included in Pixhawk series FCs):


  • Airspeed Sensors — Measures airspeed. Recommended for VTOL and Fixed-wing.
  • GNSS (GPS) — Measures global position. Needed for missions, and some other automatic and manual/assisted modes.
  • RTK GNSS (GPS) — GNSS with centimetre-level accuracy.


Other optional: