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TeraRanger Rangefinders

TeraRanger provide a number of lightweight distance measurement sensor based on infrared Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology. They are typically faster and have greater range than sonar, and smaller and lighter than laser-based systems.

PX4 supports:

:::note PX4 also supports TeraRanger One (I2C adapter required). This has been discontinued. :::

Where to Buy

  • TBD



All TeraRanger sensors must be connected via the I2C bus.

Software Configuration

The sensors are enabled using the parameter SENS_EN_TRANGER (you can set the type of sensor or that PX4 should auto-detect the type).

:::note If using auto-detect for Evo sensors the minimum and maximum values for the range are set to the lowest and highest possible readings across the Evo family (currently 0.5 - 60 m). In order to use the correct max/min values the appropriate model of the Evo sensor should be set in the parameter (instead of using autodetect). :::


The driver for this rangefinder is usually present in firmware. If missing, you would also need to add the driver (distance_sensor/teraranger) to the board configuration.

Further Information